About Us

Hi,We are a kimono specialty store established in the 1950s.

We started “KIMONO RESERVE" to let people overseas enjoy the Japanese culture of kimono.

Commitment to the SDGs

New kimonos are quite expensive because they are made by traditional craftsmen. However, as for vintage and reused items, they can be offered at much lower prices than new ones. Let's not throw away kimonos that are no longer needed, but give them to those who need them. We are a company that cares about the SDGs. 

In Store

We also have a unique Japanese tea room. You can actually experience tea ceremony.

We invite you to experience it for yourself.

If you come to Japan

Please stop by when you come to Japan. I will teach you how to wear a kimono for free. You can also try your hand at tea ceremony.

〜Our efforts and thoughts to preserve "Kimono" for the next generation〜

We have sold 100,000 new kimonos and 200,000 obis in 73 years.

Inspired by the word "mottainai," our president started selling reused and vintage kimonos in 2022. That is “KIMONO RESERVE”. Since its launch, we have sold 500 kimonos in Japan and have received many comments of joy.

Some people may think that kimono is something only Japanese people wear because it is a traditional costume unique to Japan. However, we believe that anyone can enjoy wearing a kimono.
Because you like Japanese anime, you like ninja, you like shrines, etc., any entrance to kimono is fine.
We would be happy if people come to like Japan in that way.

I would like to spread it as one fashion around the world.
We also want to spread the spirit of "mottainai" to everyone.
With this philosophy in mind, we offer products that will please everyone.